I was not fond of the way this expansion started off at all. All this turmoil and strife going on all over Eorzea and you whisk me away to Norvrandt to fix all their problems? At first I thought why should I care about this place?, until, at the end of the expansion it all made sense and definitely ended with a bang! Here are some highlights from the expansion, and as before, beware of spoilers.
Nice nod to Final Fantasy X
The Crystal Exarch standing on the circle that represents the Source of the 13 shards/worlds. It’s a little weird seeing the Crystal Tower in good repair and actually being used by people. I wonder if it exists on any of the other shards…?
I have a love/hate relationship with Feo Ul
This makes me chuckle every time I read it
Amaurot. I love the architecture of this city, but I can’t help but think of Rapture from Bioshock.