I have not the words. They should have sent a poet.
I streamed the majority of this expansion over the course of a week. At first I didn’t really want to thinking that I was going to ruin or spoil the story for viewers, but I remembered that this is what the viewers asked for. So I streamed it all (with me out of the picture of course) and when I got to the scene with Urianger and Moenbryda’s parents, that’s when the tears started to flow. The rest of that last day was pretty much variations on a theme; progress made and a trashcan full of tear stained and snot covered tissues. Without further adieu, Endwalker:
This song was so haunting. I hope it’s included on the soundtrack when it gets released.
I’m making this post a few weeks after completing the expansion and I still don’t feel the least bit sorry for this guy and his companions.
These outfits…ugh
Definitely made me think of Zeal Kingdom from Chrono Trigger when I first arrived here.
I have issues with this scene because you basically set the events of the entire game into motion.
These questions hit hard. It really made me sit back and think about my nearly year long journey through FFXIV and yes, it has been good and worthwhile for me.
Trying to get through this scene was a struggle. With each press of the button to advance the text, the tears began anew and the despair swelled within until it was a tangible object in my throat, choking me. Poor Moenbryda who was killed shortly before the events of Heavensward and I assume most of the playerbase had forgotten about…
This battle is brutal. I found that ultimately doing it with Trust NPCs was better than doing it with people.
Yes Sir
This bitch gives me the creeps
I can imagine this place, bustling with activity. People having a leisurely day at the tables, eat and drinking and conversing near this strange artificial tree. I wonder what they were like?
Definitely my favorite NPC of the expansion, not that this is the first time we have encountered them in the game…
The tears definitely flowed during the end credits. It’s been three weeks since I finished the expansion and I just can’t bring myself to log back in for any reason. I’m totally devastated but it was an amazing journey from start to finish.
Memorable moments from along the journey:
I took this screenshot when I started this journey because I could never remember Alphinaud’s sister’s name because until Stormblood, she never really played a part in the goings on of the story.
When we were young, and so innocent…
This still stings
Story quests that are titled after the expansion always get my attention. I know then that something big is about to happen.
Seeing Ramza from Final Fantasy Tactics show up was a definite fan boy moment.
And Alma too!
I love the pop culture references in this game
I was going through a Flash Gordon phase with that helmet
The Dark Knight quest chain…
Naked cat bois
Yoshi P!
Pootie Jones, the greatest Astrologian that ever lived
Awesome little Black Mage
If Tim Burton created Cait Sith
Idyllshire at night
FC Wedding
This kid absolutely makes my skin crawl…