What I'm Listening To, part 9

The way these posts work is, I’m going to post the lyrics with my thoughts in between the lines like this.

Assemblage 23 - Skin

Identity sometimes seems fleeting
An ever-changing tapestry
But at it's heart is the foundation
The very essence of our being

Do you know who you are inside?  I do.  Or at least most of the time I think I do.

Shed your skin
Cast off your chains
Feel the sun upon your face for once
And wash away the pain
Shed your skin
Be who you are
Unencumbered by the weight
Of hiding every little scar

Just be yourself, everyone else is taken.  Take everything that everyone expects you to be, their perceptions of you, and throw them out.  Be your own person, uninhibited, unbound, unchained.  Fly.

At times the self seems in transition
A mere projection on a screen
But what happens when you turn the lights on
And things are not as they once seemed?

Examining yourself, taking a good long hard look can be a difficult task.  But when a new piece of information comes along causing or forcing you to re-examine who you are, weather the storm until you find solid ground again, the journey will be worth it.

Shed your skin
Cast off your chains
Feel the sun upon your face for once
And wash away the pain
Shed your skin
Be who you are
Unencumbered by the weight
Of hiding every little scar

Who we are is always changing
A never-ending course of growth
But deep inside there is a pillar
Deep inside there is a soul

Or is there? The soul is an idea that was born a very long time ago, before we understood what it was that made a person tick, and it’s an idea that we never really got away from.

Shed your skin
Cast off your chains
Feel the sun upon your face for once
And wash away the pain
Shed your skin
Be who you are
Unencumbered by the weight
Of hiding every little scar


What I’m Playing, part 19


Life and Death, part 6