What I'm Playing, part 12

As part of our quest to find another multiplayer game to play together, one of the games that we decided to try out was this one because 3 of the others already had a copy, so I decided to pick one up.

We haven't really played it much since we were a little disheartened by the PvP multiplayer portion (we sucked at it) plus it's just not that much fun for us as a group.

I personally liked it for it's over the top action sequences and the fact there are a LOT of sexy, masculine, testosterone oozing men in this game.  It's a pleasure for me to just watch your character on the title screen clean his gun while smoking a cigar.

I like the Destiny like abilities that your character has and the DIY cybernetics that you have to choose from plus the fact that there's a 4 player campaign co-op.  Hopefully I'll be able to get back to this again sometime.

  • Is the platinum attainable?  Pfft, yeah right...I don't have that kind of time.  Plus I'd have to stop masturbating to the title screen and actually play the game.

  • % of trophies at the time of writing according to PSN: 1%


What I'm Playing, part 13


What I'm Playing, part 11